SAP Folders Management

CLC Customer Magazine - Issue 4

In our latest CLC Magazine, we would like to show examples of how companies from a wide range of industries are facing up to the challenges of digital transformation.

January 30, 2024


Manage PDF documents in SAP cleverly and conveniently - this works both through the simple and clear merging of PDF documents, an easy export of data as well as through an automatic conversion for long-term archiving.

03 January 2022
Reading time: 3 minutes

Replacement of an isolated solution in industry

With the support of CLC consultants, our client, a global player in the precision mechanics and optics industry, has successfully mapped use cases from existing legacy databases into SAP Records Management.

06 November 2020
Reading time: 2 minutes
June 18, 2024

Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Learn from a network operator's best practice example how their network connection requests can be simplified and accelerated in order to meet the legal requirements by 01.01.2025.

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