
Solutions for the energy industry

Growing challenges and increasing demands on processes are increasingly forcing companies from the energy sector into digitization. These best-practices applications show what options are available and how they can be implemented.

April 13, 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes

DSAG Technology Days 2023
22 - 23 March 2023

The DSAG Technology Days 2023 will take place this year in Mannheim under the motto "Work in progress". Much in the SAP context is still a work in progress and not everyone knows where the technology journey will lead in the long term.

06 March 2023

Solutions for the energy industry

The challenges facing the energy industry are constantly growing. The aim is to secure supplies, ensure affordable energy and, at the same time, move toward climate neutrality. These are challenges that make progressive digitization indispensable. Scalable solutions that are future-proof and can be implemented at a calculable cost are particularly in demand.

13 February 2023
Reading time: 4 minutes

Review DSAG Technology Days 2022

At the DSAG Technology Days - the specialist congress for SAP developers - Ralf Monstadt and Jonas Niedrig spoke on the topic "Fiori app, but how? Fiori Elements or Freestyle Development / App Generator?". The presentation was intended to provide developers and decision-makers with guidance on the options available for Fiori development and how these can be used effectively for the various use cases in practice.

January 11, 2023
Reading time: 4 minutes
June 18, 2024

Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Learn from a network operator's best practice example how their network connection requests can be simplified and accelerated in order to meet the legal requirements by 01.01.2025.

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