Family friendly company

Cast off! This was the CLC Summer Party 2023

If you do a good job, you should be rewarded accordingly. What sometimes sounds like a simple phrase is put into practice at CLC: because we know that special shared experiences not only strengthen team spirit, but also boost job satisfaction. So in 2023 it was once again time to cast off on the IJsselmeer.

January 04, 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes

CLC xinteg again receives "Family-friendly company" seal of approval

The compatibility of work and family has been gaining in importance for years. The topic of "work-life balance" is not just a phrase for CLC xinteg, but the lived and tangibly existing life culture in the company. Business and family needs are optimally reconciled here. Consequently, CLC was again certified as a "family-friendly company" in December 2022 and received the seal of approval awarded by the "Servicestelle Arbeiten und Leben im Saarland" on January 26, 2023.

06 February 2023
Reading time: 2 minutes

Employer attractiveness in the Saarland

What is most important to employees of business IT companies? Studies show that they value flexible working hours and locations. They want to work in a company that has family-friendly structures, where communication is appreciative and where they find fulfilment in their work through active involvement. "Aspects that are quite normal at CLC," says Christian Bach, Managing Director of CLC xinteg in Bexbach.

27 April 2021
Reading time: 3 minutes

CLC xinteg receives "Family-friendly company" seal of approval

CLC now bears the Saarland-wide "Family-friendly company" seal. The Bexbach-based SAP solution provider convinced the "Servicetelle Arbeiten und Leben im Saarland" (Saarland Work and Life Service) above all with its exceptionally flexible working time models. These allow employees to adjust their working hours individually to their own needs. On January 15, 2021, Christian Bach, Managing Director of CLC, accepted the award from Managing Director Christoph Lang.

18 January 2021
Reading time: 4 minutes
June 18, 2024

Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Learn from a network operator's best practice example how their network connection requests can be simplified and accelerated in order to meet the legal requirements by 01.01.2025.

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