family-friendly structures

More than just a job: How CLC xinteg scores with employer qualities

The results of the SME check also show that the SAP experts in the Saarland attach great importance to cohesion and the personal needs of employees. The DNS project managers attest that CLC - which also received an award for its family-friendliness - is a highly attractive employer across all categories surveyed.

31 March 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes

Employer attractiveness in the Saarland

What is most important to employees of business IT companies? Studies show that they value flexible working hours and locations. They want to work in a company that has family-friendly structures, where communication is appreciative and where they find fulfilment in their work through active involvement. "Aspects that are quite normal at CLC," says Christian Bach, Managing Director of CLC xinteg in Bexbach.

27 April 2021
Reading time: 3 minutes
June 18, 2024

Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Learn from a network operator's best practice example how their network connection requests can be simplified and accelerated in order to meet the legal requirements by 01.01.2025.

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