Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)

EEG request processes in the SAP system

CLC xinteg implemented an SAP add-on for a large grid operator in the Saarland region of Germany that eliminates the manual administrative effort previously required and maps all requests for EEG generation plants in the in-house SAP system in a forward-looking manner. In addition to managing the flood of applications, this also makes it possible to comply with legal requirements.

05 September 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes

Simplification and acceleration of grid connection requests

The completely digital mapping of the EEG request minimizes errors, significantly reduces the time required, and ensures complete traceability. The complete new plant process, which usually follows an EEG realignment, can also be started and realized from the EEG inquiry to generate the IS-U master data object "plant" by using the data already available as a basis for it.

16 June 2023
Reading time: 6 minutes
June 18, 2024

Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Learn from a network operator's best practice example how their network connection requests can be simplified and accelerated in order to meet the legal requirements by 01.01.2025.

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