SAP legal file

Energy company manages legal affairs with SAP-integrated legal files

Mainzer Stadtwerke (MSW) uses the SAP add-on CLC-PADD® Legal+ to manage its complete legally relevant information and documents in an SAP legal file - all using state-of-the-art apps based on the SAP Fiori standard. Previously, a database solution was used, which had a 

offered insufficient usability and only a fraction of the required and desired functionalities. Those responsible at MSW deliberately opted for a flexibly adaptable, SAP-integrated solution from CLC xinteg GmbH for the realignment.

SAP integration offers clear advantages

Classic legal software can often only be adapted to one's own needs to a limited extent, and users often have to settle for standard functionalities. CLC-PADD® offers significantly more options for realising individual requirements and special requests without having to dispense with standardised functions and modules such as resubmissions, monitoring of contract terms, management of participating instances, etc. The seamless SAP integration also offers the advantage of a direct link to other company processes and master data. And the existing SAP infrastructure (archiving, security, support options, etc.) can also be used, which results in the advantage of significantly lower expenses within IT.

"It is not a fixed standard solution off the peg, but an add-on that can be adapted at any time to your own requirements - but does not have to be," says Jonas Niedrig, project manager at CLC xinteg. The SAP add-on CLC-PADD® Legal+ offers maximum flexibility: on the one hand, through the demand-driven implementation of additional functionalities, and on the other hand, the customisation requests of the specialist departments can be realised quickly and with little effort.

But there is also a risk to data quality on the recipient side of the form during processing. Electronic procedures simplify such a process considerably because, on the one hand, it is possible to control in this way which data the person entering the application must necessarily fill in at all. Thus, he only receives the

fields in the form that are really necessary are displayed. And on the other hand, the recipient has the support of not having to bring the data into the system first, but can continue working with it right away - an enormous time and thus cost saving. Clarifying queries can also mean long waiting times during application processing, which can bring the entire process to a standstill. The productivity of application processing could be increased by up to 40 percent with the help of electronic processes.

From Practice: Partner presentation - Innovative solution for the conversion to app-based processes

Field-tested implementation via "Agile Prototyping

Just a few weeks after the start of the project, the team of IT managers from MSW and CLC consultants were able to provide the legal department with an initial application that included extensive functionalities. This made it possible for users to verify existing requirements directly on the basis of the new legal acts in a practical manner at an early stage and to adjust them easily and conveniently if necessary.

With this approach, which has been tried and tested in CLC practice, the project then progressed with just a few iterations to the final productive application.

In the legal department around the head of department, Ms. Ludes, the specialist colleagues were committed and actively participated in shaping and deciding each status of the new legal file. "You can clearly see this in the end result and in the acceptance of the new solution," says Stephan Muth, Enterprise Content Management Officer and responsible for the provision of the legal file at Mainzer Stadtwerke.

Mainzer Stadtwerke AG

Mainzer Stadtwerke AG (MSW) provides services and products in the fields of electricity, gas and water supply as well as water production and local public transport for the city of Mainz and the surrounding communities.

But there is also a risk to data quality on the recipient side of the form during processing. Electronic procedures simplify such a process considerably because, on the one hand, it is possible to control which data the person entering the application must necessarily fill in at all. This means that only the fields that are really necessary are displayed in the form. And on the other hand, the recipient has the support of not having to bring the data into the system first, but can continue working with it immediately - an enormous time and thus cost saving. Clarifying queries can also mean long waiting times during application processing, which can bring the entire process to a standstill. The productivity of application processing could be increased by up to 40 percent with the help of electronic processes.

"An all-round contemporary and flexible solution that we really enjoy and find compelling."
Stephan Muth, Enterprise Content Management Officer and responsible for the provision of legal files at the Mainzer Stadtwerke (public utility company)

Useful functionalities via a modern web interface

Ultimately, the legal file now offers all the functionalities that the specialist department needs to work effectively. In addition to the modern app-based application, which provides the user with the required overview, the integration of the SAP customer master data, which previously had to be permanently maintained manually, was also realized in the course of the project. Here, the application offers the possibility of selecting and creating new legal parties. In addition, automated processes were generated that inform the responsible contact persons about resubmission or objection deadlines by e-mail.

The users of the legal department benefit from a clear presentation of all relevant information and documents on a 

legal matter. In addition to the intuitive documentation of all parties involved in the legal case, such as lawyers, insurance company, legal representative, etc., this also includes the option of maintaining appointments or searching flexibly within the file. A dedicated authorization check is performed and a cover sheet defined by the department itself for the legal case can be exported as a PDF file, which clearly summarizes the most important information.

"An all-round contemporary and flexible solution that really convinces us and is fun to use," says Stephan Muth.

We will gladly advise you!

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Further information

Partner presentation - Innovative solution for the conversion to app-based processes

Applicant process presented web-based via SAP Cloud Platform

Easy creation of web business apps with CLC-PADD® S Suite+

June 18, 2024

Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

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