More than just a job: How CLC xinteg scores with employer qualities

CLC receives a high employer attractiveness rating across all surveyed categories of the SME Check.

CLC xinteg GmbH is now listed as an attractive employer.

"How attractive are we as an employer?" -
The Bexbach-based software and business consulting company CLC xinteg took on this challenge. Together with the experts of the Demografie Netzwerk Saar (DNS), the company's own corporate culture and its appeal were closely scrutinized as part of the "SME Check Employer Attractiveness". "It is important to me that we are not only economically successful, but that we also remain an attractive employer for our employees and are attractive for new employees," emphasizes CLC Managing Director Christian Bach.

A family-friendly corporate culture that suits everyone!
The CLC team specializes in developing user-friendly SAP apps and digital assistants to simplify key business processes. They are particularly proud of the roundly positive customer feedback, which emphasizes above all the careful, committed way of working and the partnership-based support. Qualities that are directly related to the working atmosphere in a practiced people-centered corporate culture.

What makes CLC attractive as an employer
"Across all levels, we support each other in developing our professional and human skills," explains Sandra Wagner, CLC Feel-Good Manager and responsible for employer branding. "It's fun to contribute your own ideas and suggestions because they are heard and taken seriously. Nothing is swept under the rug at our company. We cultivate 

Pros: Your advantages as an employee at CLC

a trusting, open relationship with each other in which each and every one of us is respected and valued."

The results of the SME check also show that the SAP experts in the Saarland attach great importance to cohesion and the personal needs of employees. The DNS project managers attest that CLC - which also received an award for its family-friendliness - is a highly attractive employer across all categories surveyed. The diverse working time models, which offer plenty of room for development, transparent processes and a clearly regulated salary structure, as well as numerous further training and career opportunities that are not linked to any preconditions, were highlighted.

The SME check also shows measures with which CLC can become even more attractive as an employer. "Now we know where we are already well positioned and where we can still improve," Christian Bach sums up. "Because we are only successful as a company in the long term if we satisfy and motivate our employees."

Strong types wanted (m/f/d)

Further information

To the job offers

Your advantages as an employee at CLC

June 18, 2024

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