The digital application process

Why digital application processes are not innovative but mandatory

Particularly in the wake of the Corona crisis and the associated contact restrictions, the need for digitization became even more certain in many areas. Applications, for example, are still very important in every area of the company. If you map these processes digitally directly in the ERP system, you save time, costs and nerves.

Forms are used not only in the application process, but also when assigning authorizations for a system or when applying for technology. Even vacation requests are realized within many companies with approval workflows. Practically, however, every application process can be mapped digitally. The principle: The applicant fills out a form, the authorized counterpart approves the request - in the best case promptly. Downstream processes then continue to work automatically with this data.

From Practice: Partner presentation - Innovative solution for the conversion to app-based processes

The quality of the data to be collected plays the most important role

Applying for parental allowance, applications for subsidies for home ownership or applications for financial support for self-employed entrepreneurs in the Corona crisis: anyone who has ever come into contact with necessary forms from public authorities has been confronted with a rather detailed application system. Especially where there are many fields to fill in or many pages containing many different questions, there is a great risk in error-free data entry. The entered data on the complex forms can either not be filled in correctly or not completely.

But there is also a risk to data quality on the recipient side of the form during processing. Electronic procedures simplify such a process considerably because, on the one hand, it is possible to control which data the person entering the application must necessarily fill in at all. This means that only the fields that are really necessary are displayed in the form. And on the other hand, the recipient has the support of not having to bring the data into the system first, but can continue working with it immediately - an enormous time and thus cost saving. Clarifying queries can also mean long waiting times during application processing, which can bring the entire process to a standstill. The productivity of application processing could be increased by up to 40 percent with the help of electronic processes.

The application as PDF or Word document has had its day

Different file formats also play a role in applications. Depending on the software the user uses, he or she can only open and fill out certain file types at all. The PDF format established in the course of application processes is now just as outdated as a Word document. Although these documents can be scanned and, if necessary, stored in a file including text recognition, the data is not automatically recorded in the database in a structured form, but only attached as an appendix. Thus, a transfer by hand would be necessary here again, so that in the subsequent process can be continued at all meaningfully with these data. With automatically recorded data, this step is bypassed and the data can also be systematically searched and processed.

A mature usability reduces technical hurdles on all sides

With modern web applications like the CLC-PADD® S Suite+ the difficulties of application processing can be circumvented on both sides. For example, young applicants who are already growing up with smartphones and tablets no longer want to send their cover letter by post. Web applications make all processes available not only on the desktop PC in the browser, but can also be displayed "responsive" on any end device. An intuitive web application thus reduces hardware and software requirements and makes things easier for all users. Equally simplified is the 

Definition of a new request form, because the requesters in the individual departments can participate in the configuration of the request masks much more easily. Thus, even the department gets the opportunity to actively participate in the definition of the application. In concrete terms, this means that programming is not necessary, only the configuration of the masks is required. This ensures a noticeable reduction in costs for both the IT department and the specialist departments due to the time saved.

Transparent configuration options and simplified approvals

Thus, the most important advantage of these web apps is above all the universal configuration that can be done by the user. Fields to be filled in can be named as well as controlled in order to digitally guide the application process. If "Field A" is filled in, "Field G" must follow afterwards. This means that the settings can be made conveniently in the system and a completely new form can also be generated easily, which means that no development effort is required at this point.

In addition, the request scenarios can be tailored to the respective end-user groups. For example, a request for department A might contain different fields than

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The CLC experts have extensive experience in the public sector and in free enterprise. We would be happy to discuss your requirements in a free initial meeting.

the application for department B. An individual configuration is also advantageous for the respective clerks, as only the really relevant information can be displayed. Application and follow-up processes are thus perfectly supported - and only on the basis of the data in the application that may be passed on, processed and used at all in the course of the data economy of the GDPR.

An approval workflow can also be integrated, for example the four-eyes principle: If two people approve the application with a mouse click, it is considered officially and legally signed. If it still has to be signed by hand, the application data can still be printed out afterwards as a PDF for signing - either to send the original document by post or to attach it as a PDF in the web form.

Digital application processes are becoming increasingly important

Digitally mapped application processes are becoming more and more important, not only in public administration and public authorities, where applications of varying complexity are part of daily business. Companies in the economy are also increasingly looking for a targeted support option for general data capture. The goals are usually the same: to ensure data quality at the highest possible level, but at the same time to make it as easy as possible for the user to capture this data. This makes it all the more important to link the application processes with a direct connection to the in-house SAP system and thus also to centrally map the further processing of the captured data. All process steps, such as the approval workflow or the addition of additional data required by a specialist department, can be managed centrally with the help of the web application CLC-PADD® S Suite+ easily and quickly. All information that is to be added to a data record, even subsequently, can be added with the help of another form that can be easily configured by the user.

We will gladly advise you!

The CLC experts have extensive experience in the public sector and in free enterprise. We would be happy to discuss your requirements in a free initial meeting.

Further information

Partner presentation - Innovative solution for the conversion to app-based processes

Applicant process presented web-based via SAP Cloud Platform

Easy creation of web business apps with CLC-PADD® S Suite+

June 18, 2024

Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Learn from a network operator's best practice example how their network connection requests can be simplified and accelerated in order to meet the legal requirements by 01.01.2025.

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