The e-billing law: Legal requirements in the public sector fulfilled and efficiency increased

The e-billing law: Legal requirements in the public sector fulfilled and efficiency increased

As part of the legal obligation, the long-standing CLC client, one of the world's largest funding organisations for the international exchange of students and academics, has already this year, together with the CLC project team, implemented the application CLC-PADD® E-Invoice Starter successfully implemented. With the help of workflows, the entire invoice receipt and release process was successfully converted, from the arithmetical and factual check to the payment release and FI posting. In addition to the legal requirements that have now been fulfilled, the conversion also results in enormous cost and time savings for the customer within the workflows.

The introduction of the European Directive obliges public authorities to issue invoices electronically to public clients of the federal government by 27 November 2020, among other things with the aim of promoting the spread of electronic invoicing beyond the public administration. It can be assumed that electronic invoicing will also become widespread in the economy in the long term.

An article posted on October 24 2019, Categories: CLC Magazine
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