Clever handling of PDF documents in SAP

Manage PDF documents in SAP cleverly and conveniently

Manage PDF documents on-premise as well as in the cloud cleverly and conveniently - this works both through the convenient merging of PDF documents, a simple export of application data as well as through an automatic conversion for long-term archiving.

Perfect for this is the web application CLC-PADD® PDF Service, which can be easily integrated into existing SAP applications. It enables the editing and creation of PDF documents that are required within different processes, such as an application process. By creating a collective PDF, several documents can also be bundled into one file. A table of contents is generated automatically, which refers to the sections of the respective PDFs. A stamp as an overlay is also possible, for example to mark a draft. To the convenient export of individual or arbitrarily combinable files 

Easy and clear export of PDF documents from SAP
Arbitrary and clear export of PDF documents from SAP

processes and forms can also be exported easily and clearly. These can be automatically combined into an "overview" in PDF and the created document can be further processed directly in the process or displayed in the web browser - a real work relief.

Easy PDF export of process information and forms
Processes and forms can be easily and clearly exported from SAP.

Digital long-term archiving of PDF documents thanks to integrated PDF checker

Also included is the integrated PDF Checker, which is of great importance for long-term digital archiving of PDF documents. PDF documents can be automatically converted to the PDF/A-1b standard or validated according to internal validation profiles and the various PDF/A standards. This is the only way to ensure protected digital archiving of PDF documents - necessary, but easy to handle. In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, the PDF Service can be integrated into almost any application. A usually manual, sometimes time-consuming export is no longer necessary and takes place automatically. In addition, the service scores with a low-resource implementation without subsequent maintenance efforts.

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Simplify your SAP® Business Processes - CLC Customer Magazine

Recognize opportunities and potentials in different industries to use them optimally. We present some practical examples in the current CLC customer magazine. We hope you enjoy reading it!

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Further information

Simplify your SAP® Business Processes - CLC Customer Magazine

Partner presentation at the DSAGLIVE with Evonik

Easy creation of web business apps with CLC-PADD® S Suite+

June 18, 2024

Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Learn from a network operator's best practice example how their network connection requests can be simplified and accelerated in order to meet the legal requirements by 01.01.2025.

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