Change requests for SAP user authorizations

Digital change requests for SAP user authorizations - the advantages speak for themselves

Are you familiar with the following scenario from practice? Paper-based change requests for SAP user authorizations are still going through the internal company process manually. Countless emails are sent, the current status is not visible to the requester and urgently needed authorizations are not granted. The advantages of digitalization and the associated automation are obvious. "What's more, these Realize lean processes without investing a lot of time", says Dirk Langendörfer, Sales Solution Consultant at CLC xinteg GmbH.

"No partner has ever helped us so much in the digital transformation and documentation of processes as CLC with CLC-PADD and ECM."

Project manager, IT consultant (energy industry)

Digitally map user authorizations

In a project implemented by CLC xinteg, the paper-based and therefore outdated application process was replaced by a modern and intuitive Fiori app-based application in SAP. With the clear aim of mapping the formal process efficiently and correctly.

In future, intuitive business apps will allow applicants to submit SAP user authorization requests using a guided application. The digital application runs through the predefined process in a fully automated manner and is submitted digitally by several reviewed and approved by different approvers or rejected. In addition 

Representative regulations are mapped completely digitallyThe application forms can be flexibly adapted and expanded in accordance with current guidelines and requirements. The total cost of ownership can thus be lowered through a significant reduction in expenditure.

Advantages of digital approval workflows

First and foremost, a fully digitally mapped approval process significantly reduces processing and throughput times as well as effort. This not only affects the applicants, but also IT employees who are responsible for processing on the other side. The automated approval process is therefore a real process accelerator, as time wasters are almost completely eliminated from the approval process.

In addition, the digital authorization application offers far more more advantages:

  • Complete transparency for all parties involved in the process
  • Permanent quality assurance of the completed applications
  • Approval processes are Flexibly adaptable and expandable as well as automated processing
  • Representative regulations can be mapped completely digitally
  • Reduction in total cost of ownership due to less manual effort
  • Avoidance of media discontinuities and sources of error through manual activities

CLC xinteg delivers a solution specifically adapted to the process

With the CLC-PADD® S Suite+ can be set without programming to Fiori basis for future-proof adaptations in SAP, such as the modernization and digitalization of application processes of all kinds. This also makes it easy to create, change or delete user authorizations.

We will gladly advise you!

If you have any questions or would simply like to find out more about the topic, then simply contact us without any obligation.

Further information

June 18, 2024

Webinar: Digitally mapping the inquiry process for EEG generation plants

Learn from a network operator's best practice example how their network connection requests can be simplified and accelerated in order to meet the legal requirements by 01.01.2025.

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