In the context of the ACHEMA 2022 in Frankfurt

At the CLC Saarland WINNER'S GAME
Win overnight stay in Cloefhänger

At ACHEMA 2022, we will showcase innovative solutions and forward-looking impulses for digitalization in the process industry.

But not only that: During the fair our CLC-Saarland-GEINNSPIEL will take place. It is very easy to participate: Fill in the competition card, answer the question and throw it into the competition box located at our booth. You will receive the raffle card directly at our booth. We wish all participants good luck.

Visit us at the Saarland booth at ACHEMA 2022 in Frankfurt. >> Make an appointment now


Draw on August 26 at ACHEMA 2022 in Frankfurt, Germany

As part of our CLC Saarland competition, we drew the winner at our booth at ACHEMA2022. Moritz S. from Hanau can look forward to an overnight stay with company between heaven and earth at the Cloef. Congratulations!

Conditions of participation

Participation period: 22. until 26.08.2022

  1. Organizer of the sweepstakes / person responsible for data processing
    The organizer of the competition is CLC xinteg GmbH, Saarpfalz-Park 1a, 66450 Bexbach (hereinafter: "Organizer"). The Organizer is also the responsible party for data processing.
  1. Applicability Conditions of Participation
    By participating in the competition, these terms and conditions are expressly accepted.
  1. Participation raffle
    Participation in the competition takes place by using the competition postcard: by providing personal data, agreeing to receive e-mail advertising and dropping it in the competition box at the organizer's stand.

    Participation will only take place if the declaration of participation has been received by the organizer by the end of the participation period and the participant has explicitly agreed to receive e-mail advertising.

    The person whose name is indicated on the raffle card is considered to be the participant of the raffle.

  1. Required information, form
    Participation in the competition requires the provision of certain personal data such as first name, last name, position, company/organization, e-mail address, telephone number (mandatory fields marked with an asterisk). The participation takes place in written form.
  1. Eligibility
    Persons who are at least 18 years old at the time of participation are eligible to participate. Only one entry per person is permitted.

    Participation in the competition is only valid if all personal information provided by the participant is complete and truthful. It is not permitted to participate in the competition on behalf of another person, so only your own name may be entered.

    Employees of the organizer and their relatives are not allowed to participate in the raffle.

  1. Exclusion of participants
    In the event of a breach of the terms and conditions of participation, multiple entries or false information provided during entry, exclusion from the competition may occur.
  1. Raffle
    1 x voucher for 1 overnight stay for 2 persons with barbecue in the Cloefhänger in the nature reserve at the Saarschleife.

    The winner will be determined from among the participants by drawing lots and then notified by telephone or e-mail to the registered address. If a winner does not respond within 14 days after notification, the claim to the prize will be forfeited and a replacement winner will be drawn according to the same procedure. The participant is responsible for the correctness of the telephone number or e-mail address provided. Cash payment, payment in other non-cash assets or exchange of the winnings is not possible.

  1. Early termination/suspension
    The organizer reserves the right to suspend the competition completely or temporarily if due to difficulties, e.g. of a technical nature (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software) or for legal reasons, proper execution of the game cannot be guaranteed.
  1. Exclusion of the legal process
    The legal process is excluded.
  1. Data protection when participating in the competition
    The personal data provided for participation in the competition will be used by the organizer to carry out the competition, including any notification of the prize. The telephone number and e-mail address provided will only be used for prize notification. Without providing this data, participation in the competition is not possible.

    The data processing is carried out according to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO for the fulfillment of a contract-like relationship.

    Furthermore, if consent has been given, the name, position and company/organization of the participant will be stored and used by CLC xinteg GmbH for sending exclusive invitations to events and webinars by post, as well as regularly interesting information and expert contributions on digitization with SAP® and CLC-PADD®. The data processing is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO to protect the legitimate interest of the organizer. The legitimate interest of the organizer is advertising. The participant may at any time object to the sending of invitations, information of all kinds and advertising by the organizer: CLC xinteg GmbH, Saarpfalz-Park 1a, 66450 Bexbach, e-mail: This does not affect participation in the competition.

    The e-mail address will only be used for sending advertising if the participant has expressly consented (see section 11 below).

    Personal data (first name and surname) will only be passed on to the organizer in the event of a win in order to process the redemption of the prize. The personal data (first name, last name, position, company/organization) will also be passed on to the service provider commissioned by the organizer for the purpose of sending postal advertising. Personal data will not be passed on to other third parties.

    The data will be stored by the organizer for a period of 10 years.

  1. Data protection with consent to e-mail advertising
    If the participant has consented to receive e-mail advertising, the e-mail address of the participant will be stored and used by the organizer for sending exclusive invitations to events and webinars as well as regular interesting information and expert contributions on digitization with SAP® and CLC-PADD® by e-mail. In this case, data processing is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a DSGVO (consent of the person concerned). Data will not be passed on to third parties.

    The participant may revoke his consent to the sending of advertising by e-mail by the organizer at any time without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the prime rates: CLC xinteg GmbH, Saarpfalz-Park 1a, 66450 Bexbach, e-mail: This does not affect participation in the prize draw.

    The data will be stored by the organizer until two years after the revocation of consent or the expiration of consent due to non-use.

  1. Rights of the participant
    If personal data of the participant is processed, he is a data subject within the meaning of the GDPR and he is entitled to the following rights against the organizer regarding the personal data concerning him: Right to information, right to rectification or deletion, right to restriction of processing, right to object to processing, right to data portability.

    The data subject also has the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of his/her personal data by the organizer.

  1. Data Protection Officer
    The contact details of the organizer's data protection officer are: DATENSCHUTZ-CONSULT.DE, Dr. Mark Bedner, Frühlingstr. 8, 66424 Homburg, Germany, phone: +49 (0)6 84 85 25 86 87, e-mail:
  1. Other
    Should individual provisions of these Conditions of Participation be or become invalid, this shall not affect the legal validity of the remaining Conditions of Participation.

An article dated August 12, 2022, Categories: Dates and events
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